How do you create success for diverse learners?

Jill Matuska

Seminar Title

How do you create success for diverse learners?


Focus of the Research

Increasing academic excellence for diverse learners

Grade Level

Research Was Applied

6th Grade

Relevant Grade Level




Where Research Was Applied


Additional Discipline Areas

I see Application to

All Disciplines


Diversity is all around, and as the world changes, so do our schools. It is time we step up to the plate and show our students that we all can succeed with support from our peers, families, and school. I am excited about my research, as any grade level and content area is relevant in order to gain new ideas or share how to improve relationships with students and an increase in their academics based on diversity or culturally responsive teaching.


Creating Success in the Classroom for Diverse Learners How can one create success in the classroom for diverse learners? The review of literature gave me some new strategies and confirmed strategies I was already practicing in my classroom that are bringing success. As a result of my literature review, I focused on self awareness by teaching more growth mindset and making connections with families and students. When given surveys to both families and students, I have seen an increase in their support and response to how their child is improving in school. Another positive that was gained was viewing the feedback from hosting conferences in a neighborhood where most of my students live. This can be done by building home connections and teaching the growth mindset philosophy. Finally, the last strategy stated was to understand trauma and to teach more social and emotional lessons in the classroom. When you looking at these strategies, it is pretty simple to see how to gain success, it is through connections. Through my research, I have seen the importance of making connections not only at school but with the families as well. It is more of a challenge to talk with families as you do not see them often. I wanted to be sure I made the extra effort to make myself visible in the neighborhood by having conferences or non-academic social gatherings, and by sending positive notes home with students. As the students started seeing me make the extra effort, I started seeing changes in their mindset about school and academics. As I continue to work on these strategies to help create success in the classroom, it has made me continue to work on getting more involved in the community, inviting families in, worry less about test scores and to look at more strategies to help with all areas students may be struggling with. I do know that one teacher can not do this alone as it takes a team with the student being the leader in the change to create the success both in and out of school.