How Does Blended Learning Improve 9th Grade Science Education?

Marc Olig

Seminar Title

How Does Blended Learning Improve 9th Grade Science Education?


Focus of the Research

Blended Learning

Grade Level

Research Was Applied

9th Grade

Relevant Grade Level


High School


Where Research Was Applied


Additional Discipline Areas

I see Application to

All Disciplines


Students are living in the 21st century with more technology and information at their fingertips than ever before. However they have less practical use for this technology and have less ability to use it responsibly to better themselves as opposed to just acting as a pacifier at any bored moment.


My research begins to look into methods of getting students to gain necessary base information from the technology at their fingertips in order to use class time more efficiently. This is done by applying and building on the base knowledge acquired outside of class. Topics of interest could be inquiry based, flipped classroom, technology and blended learning.