How might implementing consistent Growth Mindset lessons help accelerate second grade intervention students' reading growth?

Christina McNulty

Seminar Title

How might implementing consistent Growth Mindset lessons help accelerate second grade intervention students' reading growth?


Focus of the Research

Growth Mindset

Grade Level

Research Was Applied

2nd Grade

Relevant Grade Level




Where Research Was Applied


Additional Discipline Areas

I see Application to

All Disciplines


“This is too hard.” “I can’t do it.” “I give up.” As teachers, we have heard students say phrases like this every day. As a reading intervention teacher, I often have students with a fixed mindset who are very aware of their struggles and don’t persevere when school gets challenging. My goal was to see if educating second grade intervention students about growth mindset consistently for eight weeks as well as creating a growth mindset learning environment would have a positive impact on their personal mindset and their reading growth. Due to Covid, my school district started in a hybrid learning model and moved to distance learning, which meant my students had 50% of the reading intervention time they would get in a non-Covid school year. Despite this, 91% of my students made or exceeded the expected reading growth. During my session, I hope you will be inspired by the power of mindset and leave with ideas of ways to implement growth mindset into all areas of the classroom.