How might outdoor education serve a positive impact on student attitudes in the third grade?

Steven Krueger

Seminar Title

How might outdoor education serve a positive impact on student attitudes in the third grade?


Focus of the Research

Outdoor Education, Engagement, Learning Outside of the Classroom

Grade Level

Research Was Applied

3rd Grade

Relevant Grade Level




Where Research Was Applied


Additional Discipline Areas

I see Application to

All Disciplines


From the friluftsliv "free air life of Scandinavian education, the character building self discovery based approaches found in the UK, the rustic wilderness explorer mentality of Canada, and the nature preschools and forest kindergartens of the US, outdoor education has many names and faces in the world of education.Though by many paths, the destination remains the same, learning outside is good for kids. Join me as i dip my toes into the waters of outdoor education to answer the question, "how might outdoor education serve a positive impact on third graders?" Let's discuss together the obstacles and rewards of bringing learning back outside where it began and, perhaps, never should have left.