How might the gamification of learning activities impact the self-efficacy of my high school chemistry students?

Matthew Amann

Seminar Title

How might the gamification of learning activities impact the self-efficacy of my high school chemistry students?


Focus of the Research


Grade Level

Research Was Applied

10th Grade

Relevant Grade Level


High School


Where Research Was Applied


Additional Discipline Areas

I see Application to

All Disciplines


Let me guess, chemistry was one of your most intimidating classes in high school? I am curious about how to positively impact the self-efficacy of my students in order to increase confidence, motivation and academic achievement. Self-efficacy is a personal belief in one's ability to successfully perform a task. While collaboration, demonstrations and hands-on learning experiences have all been previously linked to improving student self-efficacy, I focused my research on gamification. Gamification involves introducing elements of gaming such as point scoring, leveling up and healthy competition to facilitate learning. Games simply make learning more fun! This research is applicable to any grade level and discipline area. I am excited to engage in this discussion and hope you will consider joining.