“How might the implementation of choice-based technology and relevance with 5th grade students impact their motivation, engagement, and real-life application in the art room?”

Timothy Nelson

Seminar Title

“How might the implementation of choice-based technology and relevance with 5th grade students impact their motivation, engagement, and real-life application in the art room?”


Focus of the Research

Choice-based technology, Relevance, Motivation, Engagement, Real-life application in the art room?”

Grade Level

Research Was Applied

5th Grade

Relevant Grade Level


5th Grade


Where Research Was Applied


Additional Discipline Areas

I see Application to

All Disciplines


“My students aren’t motivated.” How often do we as teachers see this in our classroom? More than we would probably like to admit. My research to better understand the concept of motivation led me in a couple of different directions. After conducting my action research project, the motivation I was looking to implement definitely revealed itself. Although I specifically focused on 5th grade visual arts, I believe my research is applicable to most grade levels and is easily adaptable to other disciplines. My main area of focus was motivation, but I believe my research connects to many other vital concepts in education. These vital concepts included technology, choice, relevance, and real-world application. My research and implementation was always exciting. If you are looking for an opportunity to engage in a deep discussion about motivation, relevance, and technology, then this is the session for you!


Abstract Timothy W. Nelson Duluth Blended 2 Learning Community twnels16@smumn.edu “How might the implementation of choice-based technology and relevance with 5th grade students impact their motivation, engagement, and real-life application in the art room?” The question guiding my research is as follows: “How can I motivate and engage my students in the art room?” My review of the literature suggested several strategies to impact motivation. As a result of my literature review, the areas I targeted for change in my classroom included the implementation of 1) the use of choice-based data 2) the understanding and study of relevance 3) relevant units of study that differed for each student. Through my research I monitored the number of students choosing to use technology and the ways they used it. Skill development for myself focused on implementing lessons that reflected cultural relevance and real-world application of the arts, monitoring the amount of students using technology, using technology as a means of communication, and the assessment of the ways these changes made a difference in the student’s motivation. I also implemented two methods of digital communication between myself and students, as well as students to students. I gathered observational data myself, observations from my building principal, personal writings from students, and multiple surveys regarding the impact the implementation of these concepts had upon the students. Including the application to the real world. To conclude, the amount of students motivated, engaged, creating relevant and creative artwork, and the application of art to the real world has massively increased. As a result of my interest in implementing choice-based technology, relevance, and its impact, I will be seeking out more specific ways to use the technology for goal setting, assessment, and the possibility of creating digital artwork. In addition, I will be seeking out individual sites and sources that are specific to artistic development, creativity, and history.