How might the use of restorative circles in an eighth grade classroom impact collective resilience?

Elladee Zak

Seminar Title

How might the use of restorative circles in an eighth grade classroom impact collective resilience?


Focus of the Research

Restorative Circles

Grade Level

Research Was Applied

8th Grade

Relevant Grade Level


Middle School


Where Research Was Applied

Language Arts

Additional Discipline Areas

I see Application to

All Disciplines


More and more schools are beginning to adopt a restorative justice approach to discipline in the 21st century. While the topic of restorative justice in schools can sometimes be broad and complex, one of the key components is the use of restorative circles to promote productive dialogue that helps students think through issues and find solutions. If you are interested in learning more about restorative justice, how I utilized restorative circles in my middle school classroom, and the impact they had on building collective resilience, then this session is a perfect fit for you. My hope is that through this session you will be able to consider how you might implement restorative circles in your own classroom, as well as better understand the benefits of and rationale behind using restorative circles in school. Restorative circles can be used at any level, in any subject area, so this session will be relevant to you regardless of your discipline.