How will implementing growth mindset strategies influence students’ attitudes and independent reading abilities?

Jessica Burt

Seminar Title

How will implementing growth mindset strategies influence students’ attitudes and independent reading abilities?


Focus of the Research

Growth Mindset

Grade Level

Research Was Applied

1st Grade

Relevant Grade Level




Where Research Was Applied


Additional Discipline Areas

I see Application to

All Disciplines


Do you hear your students frequently state “I give up.” “I am not good at this.” “This is too hard.”  Do your students dislike making mistakes and give up if something is challenging?  In my presentation, I will explain how implementing growth mindset strategies in first grade impacted students’ attitudes towards learning and their independent reading ability.  The overall goals of my action research were to increase students’ knowledge of brain functions, identify the differences between fixed and growth mindset, provide strategies to shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, and change their attitudes towards learning.  I am looking forward to sharing my findings and discussing how growth mindset could benefit your elementary classroom and students.


A growth mindset is fundamental to teaching that enables equity of access to excellent learning opportunities.  Teachers believe, or come to believe, that the ability to succeed with rigorous learning resides in all students, not only those who come from more privileged circumstances.  They help all students develop the understanding that a person’s effort is key to academic growth and success and develop the attitudes and habits of mind.  Teachers consistently demonstrate to every student their unwavering support for and partnership in that student’s success (Massey, S. L. 2016-2017).   The question I chose to guide my action research is: How will implementing growth mindset strategies influence students’ attitudes and independent reading abilities?  Through my research and review of literature, I have learned many ways that growth mindset has positively impacted the classroom and students.  The research also suggests various strategies to use in the classroom to be successful.  The four areas that I focused on were brain knowledge, fixed versus growth mindset, growth mindset language, and reflection/feedback.  These four areas guided my instruction during morning meetings.  I also incorporated growth mindset discussions throughout the day when there was an opportunity. In order for my students to reach the goals I set for my growth mindset unit, I used various strategies to engage my students.  Each lesson started with a book on the topic we were focusing on for the month.  After the literature, we would have discussions and talk about how the book related to growth mindset.  I also incorporated videos, growth mindset charts, hands-on activities, science projects, and worksheets.  My students were really engaged throughout the unit and looked forward to learning more about their brain and growth mindset. As a result of my action research, I have found that my findings directly correlate with the results of many other educators in my review of literature.  My students enjoyed learning about their brain, which helped them understand the importance of having a growth mindset. My students’ attitudes shifted from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.  They now view mistakes as opportunities to learn and they don’t give up on challenges.  They understand that everyone is different, but they know they can all improve individually and reach their goals if they never give up.  I will continue to review and incorporate growth mindset strategies in my classroom.  Students will continue to set weekly goals and I plan to use my data collection plan the remainder of the year to continue to monitor students growth.  This is a unit that I will continue to use year after year.