How will teaching a growth mindset to my struggling 3rd and 4th grade special education students increase their reading fluency skills?

Megan Spanier

Seminar Title

How will teaching a growth mindset to my struggling 3rd and 4th grade special education students increase their reading fluency skills?


Focus of the Research

Growth Mindset to Increase Reading Fluency

Grade Level

Research Was Applied


Relevant Grade Level




Where Research Was Applied

Special Education

Additional Discipline Areas

I see Application to

Special Education


“This is too hard. I can’t do it.” How many of us have heard this from our students before? It is something that I hear daily. My research takes a look at how teaching a Growth Mindset to special education students can increase their reading scores. I have especially noticed the discouragement that students are living in each day, especially for my special education students, where learning is so hard to begin with. Through my research I have learned the importance of teaching students how to persevere, and how by pushing yourself through hard work, you can grow. I hope that you can take away strategies, and tips to help your students grow in their reading fluency skills specifically, but how it can also overall help them grow in their schooling. Come join me for some great conversation around growth mindset and increasing reading fluency.