How will the implementation of authentic instruction of reading fluency using alternative texts impact reading fluency skills of struggling readers with special needs in third grade?

Wendy Ziwicki

Seminar Title

How will the implementation of authentic instruction of reading fluency using alternative texts impact reading fluency skills of struggling readers with special needs in third grade?


Focus of the Research

Motivation and engagement of students using alternative texts such as poetry and Reader's Theater.

Grade Level

Research Was Applied

3rd Grade

Relevant Grade Level


2nd Grade


Where Research Was Applied

Special Education

Additional Discipline Areas

I see Application to



Do you have elementary students who struggle with reading fluency? Do you feel like it’s difficult to make progress with these students? I am excited to share my research on reading fluency and the instruction of reading fluency with you. Researching the latest best practice strategies that can be used with struggling readers in elementary school has been eye opening. It has changed the way I think about reading fluency and, it has changed the way I teach reading fluency. The research has given me a renewed enthusiasm to work toward assisting my students in making greater gains in this area. If you are looking for ways to motivate your students and increase reading fluency skills then this is the seminar for you!


How will the implementation of authentic instruction of reading fluency using alternative texts impact fluency skills of struggling readers with special needs in third grade? Reading fluency is defined as reading with speed, accuracy, and prosody. Reading fluency is an important skill because it directly impacts reading comprehension. At the same time, it’s a skill that can be difficult to teach. It’s also a challenge for struggling readers to make progress once they are significantly behind their peers. Much of the research suggested that in addition to effective instruction, motivation is a key component when teaching reading fluency. It can be a challenge to motivate students but when they feel success it leads to increased self-efficacy. Students feel more confidence and want to do better! A review of the literature in the area of reading fluency suggested that authentic reading fluency instruction includes use of alternative texts such as poetry and Reader's Theater. These texts were meant to be read aloud and performed. Reading poetry and Reader's Theater aloud gives students a purpose thus increasing motivation to read. Effective instructional strategies include: repeated reading, modeling, feedback, assisted reading, and paired reading. As a result of my research and implementation of authentic reading fluency instruction, it’s exciting to see the student data. For some students, they made significant gains while others made good gains but I would like to see them continue to increase their progress. It will be an ongoing process for me to seek additional information related to teaching reading fluency and best practice strategies. I feel that I have a good knowledge base and will continue to improve my teaching of reading fluency over the next few years.