What are some ways that offering choice in the classroom might impact student engagement in a 6th grade science classroom?

Drew Pottinger

Seminar Title

What are some ways that offering choice in the classroom might impact student engagement in a 6th grade science classroom?


Focus of the Research

Offering Choice

Grade Level

Research Was Applied

6th Grade

Relevant Grade Level


Middle School


Where Research Was Applied


Additional Discipline Areas

I see Application to

All Disciplines


Has offering up choice to students ever been frightening to you? Giving up some control in the classroom can be an intimidating thing for some educators. If you have ever wondered how offering students choice in their own learning can be implemented and how it affects the work completion and engagement of students, this session will be beneficial for you! In my 6th grade physical science classroom, I wanted to break up the mundane routine that my students were used to and give them the opportunity to choose how they wanted to learn. I discovered the impact of giving students control of their learning by offering choice boards to be profound. If this interests you and how it may benefit your students' work completion and engagement then join me for this round table discussion.